Saturday, November 12, 2011

i believe in you as i believe in myself.

believe is one of the most important thing in relationship.

betul kan kawan kawan.
but in long distance relationship, it hard to put BELIEVE as the most important thing. :)

pasti ada rasa ketidakpercayaan itu hadir. sedaya mana pon kita menolak rasaa itu, ia pasti datang. sama ada kita kuat atau tidak untuk menghadapinya. ;)

cemburu itu hadir bersama tatkala rasa percaya berkurang. it just a normal condition in life.

untuk awak : i believe in you. but it is not hundred percent cause i have to save myself later if u break that. even it is not hundred over hundred, i do love you. :)

p/s: sabarlah dalam melayani kerenah saya.

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